# notify(String|VNode|Function, options)

  • Arguments
    • { String | VNode | Function } Message
    • { Object } options

Breadstick's notify method accepts two parameters. The first parameter can be a String, VNode (Object), or Function and the second is the options object.

If a string is passed in the first argument, breadstick will render a notificiation with the string in the top center position with it's default internal component.

this.$breadstick.notify('Simple notification.')

If a VNode is passed, Breadstick treats it like a rendered component and renders it instead.

  <div>I am a custom HTML element</div>

If a callback Function is passed in the first argument, it will expose an object with two parameters: h and the onClose which are both functions. Using a render callback allows you to tap into the close function. It's your best option if you want to completely re-style your toast notification

this.$breadstick.notify(({ h, onClose }) => {
  return h('div', 'My custom notification')

# Options

Option Type Default Values
position String top top, right, bottom, left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left
duration Number 5000 Any number in milliseconds

# closeAll()

  • Type: Function The closeAll method closes all toast notifications that are visible in the UI at the time of invocation. Nice a succinct way to dismiss all notifications